Saturday, 30 April 2016



I N      A T M ☽ S P H E R E S   was a band that I was a part of back in 2012-14. The band was a three piece and consisted of Singer/ Guitarist/ Song writer - Dominic Gregory, Bassist/ Song writer - Jord Froggatt and myself. My role in the band consisted of Co-writing the songs, parts and melodies, arranging strings and of course playing drums. Although the band had an abrupt and completely premature ending, it remains a project that all members are deeply proud of. It also in many ways shaped the career directions we all went down once the band had ended.

Dominic became a full time fashion/ band photographer and videographer. You can find him here.
And Jord went on to pursue his Song writing and production work in a project called N/GHTSDAYS. Unfortunately there's no page up and running as of yet.

We released a four track EP which was entitled - T H E   F I R E

The first track that we recorded at Axis Recording Studio in Doncaster was entitled
I L L U M I N A T I ☽ N S. We had spent months sculpting Logic Pro files, aiming for a specific sound. Finally we booked a session and went to record it. It turned out so much better than any of us had imagined and we immediately decided to release it as a single with a music video.


We released three other tracks that were also recorded at Axis Recording Studios.
The first (entitled - F L I G H T ) is my personal favourite of the whole EP. The parts are fairly straight forward and not complicated in any way shape or form, which reminds me sometimes that less is more.


We also released a much more gentle, low tempo track (entitled - W I D E   A W A K E ). The track had very little significance to me at the time of writing and in my opinion was one of the weakest tracks on the record. However, my opinion of the song changed immensely after realising the lyrical significance it had for my friend/ band mate/ co-writer - Dominic and his family. The deeply personal nature of the song (which I wont share here out of respect) completely changed my mind. The track suddenly became one of my favourites.


The final track (entitled - T A K E   M Y   T I M E ) features some of my favourite drum patterns. I spent a great deal of time planning each measure to feel a specific way and I really wanted to achieve the biggest sound I could. I was fortunate enough to have a good friend film the recording process in the studio and edit together a play through video as a gift for me. You can find the post for that video here.


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